Emmaus Bible College is privileged to have Brian and family, with the MoveIn organization, visiting our campus on Thursday, October 23. They will be on the Emmaus campus all day, sharing with students (in class and out) concerning the mission and vision of MoveIn.
MoveIn is an effort to see praying teams of Christians moving into some of the most broken neighborhood patches in Toronto and beyond. Believers move in to unsafe neighborhoods, not in spite of the high crime rates, high poverty rate, low standards of living, and a disproportionate representation of Christ, but because of it. With a cup of cold water in one hand and the good news in the other, they pray that the communities they enter will discover Christ’s love and pass Him on. In some cases, churches are planted. In others, missionaries are raised up. In every case, they pray for Christ’s “Kingdom come” to lives and communities from “[Toronto] … to the ends of the earth.” 1
While Brian is at Emmaus, students will be able to learn not only about the MoveIn organization, but also about opportunities to serve and minister with MoveIn in Toronto and abroad. For more information, stop by the MoveIn booth in the Emmaus Upper Commons on Thursday, September 23. Also be sure to watch the video testimony of a "moveiner" below.